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Bud Rank Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Spring Sports

A photo of a track for running

As the weather warms up each spring, students can enjoy participation in five different athletic programs offered at our school.  To participate in these co-curricular programs students must complete an athletic packet through Permission Click.

Student Baseball (Grades 5-6) Head Coach: Kevin Wendorff
 Softball (Grades 5-6) Head Coach: Caitlin Russell
 Boys Track (Grades 4-6) Head Coach: Ted Thompson
 Girls Track (Grades 4-6) Head Coach: Michelle Leath
 Boys Volleyball (Grades 5-6) Head Coach: Mike Derby


Track Order of Events:


Event order      4th girls, 4th boys, 5th girls, 5th boys, 6th girls, & 6th boys

Race order         1500m, 100m, 800m, 200m, 400m, & 4X100m Relays

Field events order: 1:00       High Jump 5th grade girls & boys

                                                  Long Jump 4th grade girls & boys

                                                  Shot Put 6th grade girls and boys    

                                   2:00      High Jump 6th grade girls & boys

                                                  Long Jump 5th grade girls & boys

                                                  Shot Put 4th grade girls & boys

                                    3:00      High Jump 4th grade girls & boys

                                                   Long Jump 6th grade girls & boys

                                                  Shot Put 5th grade girls and boys