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Bud Rank Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Health Office

A Health Services Assistant is in the Health Office 5 days a week.  You may reach the School Nurse by leaving a message with the Health Services Assistant.  The Health Office plays an important role in the school by:

  • Completing mandated vision, hearing, and dental screenings, and collecting first grade physicals, color vision screenings on kindergarten boys, and checking immunizations.
  • Providing health education resources for school staff and families.
  • Maintaining all health records for students.
  • Contacting parents regarding illness, health problems, and excessive absences.
  • Advising the staff regarding health-related conditions and/or hazards.
  • Administering medications per California Education Code 49423.

Attention all 6th grade parents!  The Tdap and 2nd Varicella are required before students will be permitted to pick up their Granite Ridge schedules for 7th grade. Don’t delay. Get those appointments done early as 7th grade registration will be here before you know it!


Stacy Esparza, School Nurse

  • (559) 327-4960

Kristen Miller, LVN

  • (559) 327-4947
  • (559) 327-4990 Fax


A red heart with a white cross in the center.

  • The new school immunization website is now live and ready to be shared among school nurses, school personnel, parents and providers. The website, provides news, resources and information for schools, parents, and healthcare providers about school immunization requirements for childcare, K-12 and college populations.
    All students entering the 7th grade are now required by California law to present documentation of having received the Tdap (pertussis) booster and two doses of the Varicella vaccination in addition to completed doses for Polio and MMR.

    • If a student becomes ill or injured at school, he/she will receive every care and consideration.
    •  Parents will be contacted for injuries of a serious nature, if too ill to remain at school, or has a rash of unknown origin.
    •  Injuries which occur at home should be cared for at home.
    •  The nurse is always happy to consult with parents regarding health problems.
    • After an extended illness or injury, the student should follow up with the school nurse. 

    If your child has ONE of the following, he/she should be kept at home:

    • A fever of 100 degrees or more, vomiting, or diarrhea within the last 24 hours. They must be symptom free (WITHOUT the use of medications) for 24 hours. 
    • If your child has been put on an antibiotic for a contagious illness, they must stay home for 24 hours after starting. 
    • If your child has a sore throat along with a headache or upset stomach, these symptoms may indicate strep throat. 

    In an emergency a parent will be contacted, so it is very important that the Health Office has up-to-date phone numbers of parents/guardians.

  • The State of California passed AB 25 which was added to the Education Code effective January 1, 2012 regarding concussion or head injury in an athletic activity.  Please review attachment below for additional information.

  • Clovis Unified School District operates on a no-nit policy. Under this policy, students will be sent home if evidence of head lice is found. A student may not return to school until he/she has been treated and his/her hair and scalp are free of nits and lice. The student must check in with the school nurse or the office before he/she returns to the classroom.

  • Clovis Unified School District offers health services for children 0-18 years and are free of charge to income-eligible families. Patients who have Medi-Cal are also eligible for these services as well as those who do not have health insurance coverage.
    Select this link for more information:  CUSD Health Center Information