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Bud Rank Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Handbooks & Policies


Dress Code
We believe that attention to appearance and a student’s attitude toward self and school are related. Good taste, good grooming, and appropriateness of attire are a part of learning for all students. However, we recognize that students’ mode of dress and grooming is a manifestation of their personal style and individual preference. We believe that students and parents can freely choose apparel that demonstrates individuality, as well as maintain the standards of appropriateness.

According to Governing Board Policy 5132 the dress code serves an important role to provide a safe school environment, establish mutual respect, and create a learning environment free from distraction for students.  The Clovis Unified School District enforces a dress code for all students, grades K-12. Sound judgment and reasonableness must prevail in interpreting the dress code. Its purpose is to foster students’ pride in themselves and to instill the attitudes, values, and standards reflected by the society in which the students will take their place. 


All clothing shall be neat, clean and acceptable in appearance and shall be worn within the bounds of decency and good taste as appropriate for school.

More information can be found on the CUSD website.